• "Children are our most valuable natural resource"

    Herbert Hoover

  • Saving a child , Saving all humanity

  • Your dollar contribution goes a long way in the child’s future


All our charity activities will be better with your donation. We call on fundraising from anything that you can.

Donate Now


Children will listen to you after they feel listened too.


Children health is our frontline battle. Numbers are beyond comprehension

  • Over 4.5 million of children under 5 are dying every year in Africa from communicable diseases mainly: Yellow Fever, Typhoid, Tuberculosis, Pneumonia, Onchocerciasis (“river blindness”), Meningitis, Malaria, Hepatitis A, B & C, Dengue, Cholera, Measles…

  • According to World vision one in six African children dies before the age of five; and most of these deaths could be prevented.

  • Nearly one third of children in Sub-Saharan Africa are underweight. (source: UNICEF)

  • In sub-Saharan Africa, measles takes the life of a child nearly every minute of every day. An effective measles vaccine costs as little as $1 per child. (source: WHO)

  • Over 2 million children under 14 years old are HIV positive (WHO); between 12 and 14 million African children have been orphaned by HIV/AIDS (source: World Bank).


While the pandemic HIV/AIDS is better controlled in the West because of new drugs, it is still ravaging Africans We want to implement evidence-based approaches to reduce the spread and save lives.


With the rapid and disorganized modernization of African countries, the lack of environmental health codes is affecting direly the health of the people. Environmental pollutants and toxicants are spilled in rivers and stored in open fields exposing people to high level of cancerous products. Recently, in Senegal many children died because of lead poisoning because of an old batteries landfill close to their neighborhood. The AHI will develop media campaign to raise awareness for the need of environmentally safe living conditions.

Ms Dramé accompanying her son to the US for an important medical treatment sponsored par Africa Health Innovations



Raise your funds for a cause that you care

You are a doctor, a nurse, a medical professional, a volunteer , someone who has compassion for health care access in Africa Or seeking médical tourism… please Please join us on the Africa Health Innovations Tours (AHIT) in January 2020, in west Africa.

To make that event successful, your donation is needed.

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Do something. Be a supporter, be a volunteer. We are always seeking volunteers to help organize and implement AHI activities from the US to Africa. Staff and volunteers will be needed for the Mobile clinic and the Doctors within Africa (DWA)